How to Gracefully Navigate the Holidays

Be aware of your feelings: You may feel sad during the holidays if someone close you to has recently died, or you are physically far away from family and friends. You don’t have to pretend to be happy, however, once you acknowledge your feelings, you then have the freedom to move on and focus on other things.  Volunteering at a soup kitchen, your local church or a temple is a great way to re-focus & shift your feelings. 

Be flexible: Things change, and we have to change with them to stay in the flow of life. Include some of your favorite traditions this holiday and then be open to creating new ones. Maybe your sister is now a vegetarian and you include a Tofurkey along with the traditional one, or you Skype in your cousin in France at the table who cannot make it home.

The time is now to wake up

Set healthy boundaries: If you never say no, your yes will never mean anything. If you don’t treat yourself as valuable, no one else will either. This can cause you to either “stuff” your feelings down within and become resentful, or blow up and explode unintentionally. Learn to delegate—you don’t have to do everything by yourself.

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Make time for You: I have recorded a special meditation for peace, gratitude and love. 

Work with me:

This is the perfect time to start preparing for 2019. I offer customized coaching packages (life integrative, wellness and nutrition, as well as relationships) to help you unlock the power and wisdom within. I also offer card readings, rituals, and energy healing including aromatherapy to clear and release the old so you are ready to start the the New Year in a powerful way and with the right energy. Direct message me here or send me an email at

You can also purchase gift certificates. They make the perfect holiday gift that lasts a lifetime! 

Give the gift of love and wellbeing!