The Power of Grace

Once we know we’re already whole and everything we need is within us—including love, respect, validation, power, wealth, and health—we realize there’s no reason to demand, fight for, or fear the loss of any of this.

When, however, you identify more with your changeless, boundless True Self, you stay rooted in your core, even as your human incarnation and external world continue to change form and reveal your ever-expanding good. You no longer live from the level on which the problems were created. You stop doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. You enter into a peace and fulfillment no longer dependent on external conditions, but supported and fueled by the whole universe. Continue reading “The Power of Grace”

How to Gracefully Navigate the Holidays


Be aware of your feelings: You may feel sad during the holidays if someone close you to has recently died, or you are physically far away from family and friends. You don’t have to pretend to be happy, however, once you acknowledge your feelings, you then have the freedom to move on and focus on other things.  Volunteering at a soup kitchen, your local church or a temple is a great way to re-focus & shift your feelings. 

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Abundant Living is an Inside Job


Abundance is the natural state of the universe. When it is not showing up for us in the way we would like it to, the effort becomes making an internal shift in how we are viewing our life. The pathway to creating a life of abundance is not through acquiring more from outside of ourselves. It is not about doing more but rather, being more. Becoming the change that we seek from the inside out.

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