There is no Road to Happiness, Happiness is the Road

Happiness is a choice

Life is a journey, a process, an adventure, a temporary  trip…Happiness is not a destination, happiness is the journey, happiness is this moment and thus, the way you experience this very moment.

Happiness is a choice. No matter the circumstances. We can always step into our power and see beyond the difficulties to turn them into a flow of infinite-abundant possibilities and blessings. Continue reading “There is no Road to Happiness, Happiness is the Road”

How to Practice the ‘F’ Word


No, not that *f* word, but the *f* word for Forgiveness with a Capital F.

As a holistic life coach, I have learned that there is no freedom without it. And when clients ask me “How can I heal and let that (anger, resentment) go?” the answer is always the same: Forgiveness. “But how?! I wasn’t the one cheating?!”

But proving yourself right and the other person wrong is not the point here. Neither we are okaying or saying that whatever the other person did is Okay. Not at all. Continue reading “How to Practice the ‘F’ Word”