Lionsgate Portal 2018 is Here!

Every year from July 26th-August 12th, the strongest being on 8/8, there is a cosmic alignment called The Lions Gate when Earth aligns with the Galactic Center (27 degrees Sagittarius) and the star Sirius, opening a cosmic portal between the physical and spiritual realms.

During this time it is easier to access higher realms, and receive downloads from angels, messengers, and your loved ones from the other side. It is also a favorable time for healing deep seeded wounds, and opening both the heart chakra and third eye.

But what exactly is taking place in the cosmos that allows us to experience this? The Lionsgate Portal involves three key players- the Sun, the Earth, and the star Sirius. Sirius has long been known as our “Spiritual Sun” and is revered by many ancient cultures as a place of higher consciousness. It is believed that higher frequency beings inhabit Sirius and that it is home to the purest type of love.

Many ancient Shamanic tribes also believe that Sirius is the gateway to heaven, and that our souls go there once we depart from our physical bodies.

Sirius is also believed to be far more technologically advanced than Earth, and many Starseeds who have memories of originating from Sirius, claim that they have access to technologies that are nowhere near close to being discovered on Earth.

Even though Lionsgate happens on August 8th, it is actually set in motion in July.

The Lionsgate Portal is considered a gateway into the heavens and into higher realms of consciousness. During this time, higher frequency energies from the star, Sirius are beamed down onto Earth, in order to help advance the human race and raise the consciousness of the planet. The Lionsgate Portal is activated every year on August 8th when the Sun, Sirius, and the Earth move to specific points in the sky.

The Star Sirius (known as the Spiritual Sun) is a place where Divine knowledge and wisdom are stored. This time is called The Lions Gate because the Sun is in the constellation of Leo, which is symbolized by the lion.

Lionsgate 2018
The energy from this Lionsgate is about honoring your intrinsic and natural empathic gifts and knowing that they can be a source of strength, rather than a weakness.

Think of it as being showered with a high frequency of light particles. This light energy can enhance spiritual awakenings, bring about new insights or a new awareness and it can also help to raise the consciousness of the planet.

 Be aware that you are in an accelerated third eye opening. Tap your third eye (the area between the brows) three times and be open to intuitive hits and an expansion of consciousness.

The Lions Gate energy is all about more fully awakening our unique Divine Light and embodying Divinity within our physical form, so be conscious of an expanded awareness in your solar plexus Chakra (your power center) as well.
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Take time to meditate and breathe in this high frequency energy. It is also important to ground yourself; walk barefoot, touch a tree, be in nature and stay hydrated in order to assimilate these intense frequencies.

As with all times of spiritual intensity, everything is up to be reviewed: What is the most authentic for you at this time? What do you need to release? Are you willing to step into your real power? Are you ready to receive the spiritual gifts that The Universe wants to give you? 

This is also a great time to work with your Zeal Chakra, also known as the Mouth of God or the Ascension Chakra. This will allow you to open and expand many of your psychic abilities. As this Chakra opens, your telepathy and ability to recall dreams will deepen. This high-frequency energy is mostly received through the heart chakra and third eye. It is common around the time of the Lionsgate Portal to receive heart healings and openings, as well as 3rd eye awakenings.

Because this energy is so easily accessible, doing rituals and working on your heart and third eye chakras can be extremely effective and potent. It is also a powerful time to do release work to help cleanse away any blockages that may be present.

Embrace your divinity

Even though the heart and third eye chakras are always activated around the time of the Lionsgate Portal, in 2018, it also seems that the chakra at the back of our neck is also going to be activated. This little-known chakra is called the Cerebellum and is extremely sensitive to psychic energies and empathic energies. Empaths are on the rise on planet Earth, and this is because we are in the awakening of the “new earth” and we do desperately need more love, empathy, compassion, and understanding as one consciousness.

The greater message for Lionsgate 2018 is to embrace these empathic qualities and to think about we can use them to help serve the planet. The energy from this Lionsgate is about honoring your intrinsic and natural empathic gifts and knowing that they can be a source of strength, rather than a weakness.

During the Lionsgate Portal, protect your third eye chakra and cerebellum by “cleansing” it daily. To do this, simply massage the area with either lavender oil, rose, frankincense or sandalwood, and repeat the following affirmation:

“It is safe for me to open my heart, it is safe for me to see through my third eye. It is safe for me to lean into all that I feel and see. And when I do, I feel safe, I feel grounded, I get to own my power and my truth, and I feel one with Spirit.”

It is time to claim your own mastery! It is time to accept the abundance that is your birthright with infinite love and gratitude.

So take the time to go deep within, get quiet, meditate and own/embrace your own divinity. The time is now, the gate is open!