Golden Milk, a Recipe for Lasting Health

Golden Milk

We yogis know it. Yoga expands beyond our daily asana practice. And that is what unfolds as a whole lifestyle or what we call “life off-the-mat” including the food we eat, and how we eat, and how we live our lives from the inside out.

Few years ago, I found what’s called a smoothie for health to stimulate the ojas*, or Ojas Smoothie. It is said that if you drink this simple smoothie daily you will not get sick.

And not too long ago, I discovered this other ancient yogic remedy, called Golden Milk, traditionally used to cure diarrhea, fever, bronchitis, colds and non-specific viral infections, headaches, parasitic worms, leprosy, bladder and kidney infections, and to reverse joint and muscle pain due to inflammation or arthritis. Continue reading “Golden Milk, a Recipe for Lasting Health”

Most Common Yoga Mistakes to Avoid

Wheel Pose

During my years of teaching yoga, I have noticed some common mistakes that counter the benefits of yoga and can be pretty dangerous. These problem-habits, such as forgetting to breathe or trying to push into a  pose (asana) when the body is telling us otherwise, can sometimes reflect and reinforce how we live our daily life. If we rush through life, forgetting to take time to breathe, we will likely do the same in our yoga practice. And vice versa. Remember: How you are on the mat, you are off the mat. Continue reading “Most Common Yoga Mistakes to Avoid”