How to Help Your Body Absorb More Nutrients from Your Plant-Based Diet

Vegan tacos

Lifestyle Tips to Help Increase Nutrition Absorption:

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The way in which the human body digests and absorbs nutrients is incredibly complex. It involves many different functions and organs to work cohesively, as well as help from enzymes, saliva, acid, bile, and even your own blood. So, why not do all you can to help this complex system out? While food plays an important part in the absorption process, lifestyle changes can also help increase the absorption of nutrition!

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3 Top Beauty Tips for Fall

Chocolate mask

By Kris Carr

When the air gets crisp and I’m indoors more often, I notice a change in my skin and have to take extra care to keep it healthy and hydrated. Here’s what I find most helpful…

Tip #1: Keep Using Sunscreen

When beach towels and flip flops get packed up many people think they don’t need SPF anymore. Not true. Your arms and legs may be cozy in that sweater and jeans, but that cute face of yours still needs sunscreen. Use the sunscreen you apply during the summer months or try a bb cream (aka blemish balm: moisturizes, covers and protects) or foundation that includes SPF.

Tip #2: Prevent Dry Skin

I do a few things to keep my skin smooth and moisturized in the colder months…

  • Hydrate: Hydration is still important during the fall even if you aren’t sweating in the sun. Remember this H20 guideline: drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day.

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  • Exfoliate: To remove dead skin, gently dry brush your body before showering (pick up a pair of exfoliating gloves at the drugstore or natural foods store). If scrubs are your thang, there are countless homemade body scrub recipes online and store-bought options that are perfect for the shower. Just be smart about the ingredients in products you pick up at the store.
  • Moisturize: Everyone has a unique skin type, so you may have to experiment with what regimen and products work best to keep your skin moisturized. Some people swear by coconut oil, while others love non-toxic products that are less greasy. When I talked to Ava, she recommended a two-step process after washing—first, toner, and then moisturizer. Experiment and figure out what works best for you.

Tip #3: Skin nourishing green juice ingredients

Drinking green juice every morning does wonders for keeping your extraordinary epidermis happy. Here are some helpful ingredients:

  • Cucumbers are incredibly hydrating and a perfect juice ingredient for smooth skin year-round.
  • Carrots are loaded with beta-carotene and help give your skin a healthy glow.
  • Kale is not only loaded with powerful antioxidants which are effective for preventing wrinkles, but is also a super source of omega-3 fatty acids to keep skin from becoming dry in the winter.

Post credit Kriss Carr