Most Common Yoga Mistakes to Avoid

Wheel Pose

During my years of teaching yoga, I have noticed some common mistakes that counter the benefits of yoga and can be pretty dangerous. These problem-habits, such as forgetting to breathe or trying to push into a  pose (asana) when the body is telling us otherwise, can sometimes reflect and reinforce how we live our daily life. If we rush through life, forgetting to take time to breathe, we will likely do the same in our yoga practice. And vice versa. Remember: How you are on the mat, you are off the mat. Continue reading “Most Common Yoga Mistakes to Avoid”

How to Practice the ‘F’ Word


No, not that *f* word, but the *f* word for Forgiveness with a Capital F.

As a holistic life coach, I have learned that there is no freedom without it. And when clients ask me “How can I heal and let that (anger, resentment) go?” the answer is always the same: Forgiveness. “But how?! I wasn’t the one cheating?!”

But proving yourself right and the other person wrong is not the point here. Neither we are okaying or saying that whatever the other person did is Okay. Not at all. Continue reading “How to Practice the ‘F’ Word”