Golden Milk, a Recipe for Lasting Health

Golden Milk

We yogis know it. Yoga expands beyond our daily asana practice. And that is what unfolds as a whole lifestyle or what we call “life off-the-mat” including the food we eat, and how we eat, and how we live our lives from the inside out.

Few years ago, I found what’s called a smoothie for health to stimulate the ojas*, or Ojas Smoothie. It is said that if you drink this simple smoothie daily you will not get sick.

And not too long ago, I discovered this other ancient yogic remedy, called Golden Milk, traditionally used to cure diarrhea, fever, bronchitis, colds and non-specific viral infections, headaches, parasitic worms, leprosy, bladder and kidney infections, and to reverse joint and muscle pain due to inflammation or arthritis. Continue reading “Golden Milk, a Recipe for Lasting Health”