Body Awareness: How to Connect with your Body

One of the most important discussions that we can have with ourselves, is an invitation to view our own body as a most treasured gift that is theirs to befriend, nurture and enjoy (in-joy) in very real ways.

Too many people needlessly remain detached from this awe-inspiring intelligent system that is truly a sacred physical vessel to be loved and adored by its inhabitant.

Imagine a world where people walked around comfortably in bodies that were acknowledged as the magnificent, personal hubs of purposeful, divine activity that they actually are… Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Well-Being would abound!

The majority of individuals recognize that they have a body, of course, that needs to be fed, cleaned and perhaps exercised, but as for a close relationship similar to one in which they may share with a dear friend or a life partner that includes, appreciation, attention, and deep, meaningful exchanges, probably not so much.

We simply are not taught to view the physical body as the powerful, connected, wise, and conscious form that many quantum biologists are recently discovering it to be.

But we can change that today and become models for others in how we come to befriend our own body in a way that would have seemed crazy to most in previous generations.

Energy Flows Where you Place your Attention


Energy flows where you put your attention: What’s yours on? Aiming our attention works similarly to aiming a flashlight.

Whatever we aim our flashlight at is illuminated, the area is highlighted, bathed in light. We can see more clearly. The energy goes where you aim it. Whatever we put our attention on energy flows to it. That’s just a very simple math, don’t your think?

Other ways this has been said are: Whatever we put our focus on expands. Whatever we put out we get back. Whatever we think about we get and become. Whatever available space we have we fill up.  Continue reading “Energy Flows Where you Place your Attention”

How to Live with Intention


Nowadays, our society is so focused on working harder and longer, acquiring possessions, and achieving titles that we often lose touch with our true nature—that wise, beautiful, loving, and vibrant being within each of us.

We can get caught up in unconscious and unhealthy patterns developed over the years. Before we know it, we’re just going through the motions each day. But there is a way to return to a more intentional way of living. It begins by setting your intention for a balanced day. String enough together, and you’ll soon be on your way to an intentional life. Living an intentional life involves carrying out each day with consciousness.

When you’re living with intention, you do everything with a conscious intent, which aligns with your core values. This involves clarifying your dreams, setting defined and clear intentions, and crafting a lifestyle that is aligned with your core, deepest desires.  Continue reading “How to Live with Intention”