Why Do the Shadow Work

One thing I go deep into when I work with my clients is to understand the Shadow, all its layers, and how to effectively use to move past limiting patterns and obstacles.

A core tenet is that you can’t support anyone with their Shadows if you’re not willing to fully look at your own.

When you do the Shadow work, you go very deep into yourself, into the depths of your soul to come face to face and then become friends with your Shadow. The Shadow is the key to freedom.

It is truly a magical and alchemical experience that changes you forever!

The Shadow, first coined by Carl Jung, “are the parts of ourselves that we don’t consciously identify with.” 

They are the parts of ourselves that we have either rejected or not recognized altogether because they are unacceptable or shameful or not allowed. We decided that these parts were unsavory and unwanted at a very young age.

For example, let’s say that you grew up with a father or mother who was constantly overworking and you felt really neglected and unseen as a kid….you might decide that being Ambitious is “bad” and so you stuff your ambition down deep inside of you so that you can always be present for your own kids. The problem, though, is that your ambition still exists somewhere inside of you and you end up feeling unfulfilled in your career.

Or perhaps when you were younger your Father couldn’t hold down a job. And the family was always stressed out because of it and at risk for bankruptcy. If that’s the case, you may have decided at a young age that that laziness was “bad”, and that there was no part of you that was ever going to be irresponsible. To be vigilant about this, you swept any impulses to relax and have space under the rug and became hyper-responsible. So much so that your responsible nature gets in the way of you having time for yourself, and taking pleasure in life.

In other words, your Shadow contains natural, normal and vital parts of yourself that you decided at a very young age you would NEVER be.

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But here’s the thing about the Shadow – it can’t stay hidden under the rug forever. It’s a natural part of you, so it wants to be expressed. And when you reject a natural part of you, when you stuff it down and pretend it doesn’t exist, here’s one of 3 things that can happen:

  1. Your Shadow unexpectedly and abruptly comes out in exaggerated and dangerous ways, you can’t control it, and it hurts other people by accident. For example – Road Rage usually happens when one stuffs their Anger down and down until it finally explodes.
  2. Your Shadow gets turned on yourself. This comes out in nail biting, self medicating, self deprecation and any form of self-sabotage.
  3. You recognize that Shadow energy in others and it drives you nuts, it activates you, you judge the other person for having this energy, and you obsess over it. If you’ve ever heard the term “You spot it, you got it” – that’s the Shadow. When we spot our Dark Shadows in others, we spot sexuality, aggressiveness, anger, competition, etc. – things that are not acceptable. But sometimes we can also get triggered by the Light characteristics that we don’t own and recognize inside of ourselves, but desperately need to – courage, risk-taking, self-confidence, intelligence).

So, it is essential to be able to recognize your Shadow and work with it. Not only so that you can avoid hurting others, hurting yourself, or being triggered by others, but also because your Shadow holds incredible pieces of gold and beauty and potential that you miss out on when you push those energies into Shadow.

There is a ton of power, empowerment and creative energy in the Shadow.

Some of your truest self is found in the Shadow, and owning it allows for deeper self-acceptance, self love and peace. For example, when I help my clients own their Destructive Shadows, then instead of self-sabotage or reckless competition with others, they are able to harness that destructive energy to easily and swiftly let go of things in their businesses that don’t serve them. Or, when I help clients own their “Lazy Shadows,” then instead of having that “lazy energy” stand in their way of getting things done, they are able to harness their “lazy energy” to create businesses that give them more than enough time for leisure and pleasure.

When you do the inner work that’s needed to own your Shadow, then you get to own, accept, embrace, honor and love ALL of yourself, not just certain pretty parts, but ALL of you!

Working with your Shadow is one of the most effective ways to lovingly bring your true self out of the shadow and into the light. It allows you to change behaviors and patterns that don’t serve, and it allows you to honor and claim all of who you are to create the life you truly want to live!

To work with me, just email me or connect with me on Instagram.

Your biggest fan.

Why Affirmations Might Not Work


Affirmations are great but if they are not aligned with an elevated emotion and a high vibrational match it will take a long time to get where you want to get.

Raise your vibration (Sarah Prout)
Raise your vibe, change your life!

It’s a way of meditating. Thoughts will come up because it’s the nature of the mind, but let them pass, don’t get attached to them.

Another point is that when you’re aiming high, it’s not enough to casually choose something. You must choose with your whole being. So arrive into that high alignment with this desire that’s to hold and feel it in your body.

Your body then becomes the vortex to your future, for what is serving or taking away from the growth towards this manifestation.

It’s then very important that everything in your life aligns with it, that matches that creation. This is everything from what you eat or read, to the people you surround yourself with, to the choices you make. Everything!

Most people are so stuck in their heads that they are incapable of actually feeling what their body is saying or communicating. Many patrilineages teach to abandon the body completely.

Part of the Divine Feminine path is to come into a rebirth of a deep and loving, profound relationship with yourself and your the body which is your vehicle for consciousness. It is a very powerful vehicle and your access to all. It’s also a powerful key to know exactly what to do. Be mindful of the mind conversations that might arise trying to sabotage you.

Ditch what not longer serves you. Forget those thoughts that might not be the right time. It will never be, because the best and only right time is always now. If not now, when? Start practicing connecting deeper with the eternal wisdom that you carry with you everywhere, in your body, inside of you. Imagine a world where everybody would follow their true sense of self and heart. Amazing, right? But I think that, as a collective, we are doing some progress.

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So when you feel drawn to something, whatever it might be and you feel that surge of excitement in your body — That is literally your soul talking to you, so pay attention to it and follow your internal GPS (God positioning system)

Now, picture this: 99% of people will feel that, feel their intuition, move with it, and then sabotage themselves, shut it down. And the way this happens? Rationalizing a fear story. Have you ever experienced that? We all have.

This is a very powerful place to be when you become aware of it; growth, power and transformation results from this awareness.

Time to put your magic into the world and to work in a big transformational way!

If you want to know how to do that, take the first step and send me an email. Everything you want is in the other side of fear.

If not now, when? If not you, who?

You got this!

Fernanda, GodInc

The Key to Manifest: Be in Your Body


Pleasure brings you into your body—and you cannot CREATE unless you fully occupy your body.

A lot of us leave our bodies. Definitely in traumatic situations, and also in overwhelm. We’re all familiar with the phrase, “You just check out.” Your mind wanders. You’re not attending to your breath. You are not in your sensuality. You can’t have full connection when you’re not embodied… so you cannot make things that will last. 

When you’re more fully here, when you are BEing… human… then you can bring in the holy. And THAT’S creativity. You’re here in your pleasure, in your body, on Earth—and that’s when you bring heaven down. 

Pleasure is a doorway to the divine, through your Joy!

The idea is to begin shifting your pleasure priorities, so you start doing less of what you don’t like to do, and more of what you love. Start by visualizing three ideal days (based on an exercise by Abraham-Hicks): a perfect at-home day, a fantastical away day, and a day where you just love on and save the world.

Vision 1: Your Home Day Ideal 12 hours

In everyday life, where would you be, what would you be doing, who would you be with, what would you be eating, how would you be earning, helping, creating, living, loving in a span of twelve hours? Walk through everything that would go into the waking hours of blissdom for you. Focus on ideal and don’t worry about how you’re going to make it happen. If bliss would be “I’m working in my jammies from home” and presently you’re commuting three hours to the office, write it down anyway.

Keep your vision within the confines of space and time. Let your imagination and idealism unfurl, but… save the really impractical things like, “I wake up in Athens, lunch in Manhattan, and smoke a bedtime hookah in Rajasthan” for your Away Day fantasy. Don’t worry about how it’s gonna happen, okay? Just feel into the ideal. 

Vision 2: Your Fantastical Away Day for 12 hours! 

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The next step is extravagant, fantastical, time-bending, like, if your ideal 12 would be you’re lounging in Morocco, smoking a hookah, you can do that. If you want go spend the day meditating on Venus, or you want to be making love in Bali, you can be doing that. Your fantasies will tell you so much about your current reality. And in that place, what would you be eating? How would you be earning? Would you not be working at all? Would you be a nun? Would you have your own talk show? Yes. How would you be helping? I love that layer of question in both your practical and your fantastical. 

Vision 3: You love on the world for 12 hours! 

What would give you pleasure in terms of being of service to the world? Meditate and pray in the morning, change laws, clean up beaches, donate, chant, cheers, work in a soup kitchen, invent a global water purifier, get everyone to come together in peace and design programs for climate restoration and children adoration? Go there.

THE WHOLE POINT of this “ideal twelve hours exercise” is to actually create those ideal hours (or as close to it, even if it’s just fifteen minutes), as frequently as possible, until that idealism becomes your lifestyle.

Create space for pleasure. Pleasure is power! If you can feel it, you can manifest it!

(Credits: Abraham Hicks, Danielle LaPorte)