Self Care for Empaths

If you are an empath, you know that this world can be a bit overwhelming if you don’t care the daily self-care you need to keep yourself grounded and in balance.


An empath viscerally feels the emotions of others and find it hard to be in places, like hospitals, where there is emotional distress. Empaths are often healers and caretakers with a desire to help verging on self sacrifice. Their energetic bodies are a conduit for the energy of others, which can bring physical problems if that energy is not transmuted properly. In addition, they frequently experience burn out because their own physical or emotional needs have not been tended to while in service to others.

Signs you are an empath

If you are an empath, there are things you’d need to do every day to ensure optimal holistic (emotional, physical, and psychic) health.

Much like you need to brush your teeth every day and other hygienic activities, empaths need to tend daily to their energetic body. This can include:

  • Daily energy clearing and grounding. I tell my clients that a good way to create ritual and intention around this is to spend a few minutes in the shower visualizing the water clearing away any accumulated psychic gunk. You can also work with sage, epsom salts or sea salt baths.
  • Creating sacred space. Your home needs to be a sanctuary where the chaos and the din of the outside world cannot cross your threshold. It needs to be a place where you can recharge your batteries, feel safe, and supported.
  • Meditating. Getting still and quiet, even if it’s for 10 minutes a day, will help you reconnect to your energetic and psychic body. It will also help you ground through your breath. You can visualize yourself connected to the earth as well as the wisdom of your guides and angels.
  • Crystals. Crystals are a great way to help mitigate energetic sensitivity. Black tourmaline, for example, is a powerful protection stone as is Amethyst.
  • Detox. Part of having good self care is knowing what is right for you and what is not. If there is a behavior, person, substance, or situation that is overly toxic to your sensitive body, it will let you know in the form of illness and emotional distress. Learn to listen to your intuition. What is it telling you that you need more of and less of?
  • Energy and Body Work. Empaths filter, channel, and transmute energy for the collective. It can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not taking care of yourself. Reiki, acupuncture, and other healing modalities such as massage are all ways to ground and keep your energy body running smoothly.
  • Boundaries. When you have a strong Neptune or Pisces in your natal chart, it’s hard to know where you end and someone else begins. You feel everything so strongly. Being an empath means cultivating good boundaries and learning to say no.
  • Animals. Pets are more than just our companions. They also help to transmute energy and help keep our heart chakra open.
  • Nature. The earth, trees, and ocean are all invaluable tools to help us ground and transmute energy. If you can, spend time in the sanctuary of the natural world. Don’t forget to thank the elements for their service and support.

These are merely a few places to start with your own self care regimen. As always, trust your own intuition, listen to your body.

If you feel like you’re energetically sensitive ask yourself, what is your body telling you? Are you numbing out? As we move further into the energetic intensity of the times we live in, this is the perfect time to start making positive, healthy changes — especially if you’re an empath. Love yourself fully!

Let it All Go, See What Stays

Letting Go

Letting go can be hard at first, it can hurt too.

Yoda said: “Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”

Starting with the fact that everything in this reality is temporary, we have to start seeing things as such (temporary). 

When you see that what you thought was forever may not have been meant to stay, you will be freeing yourself to allow in EVERYTHING that IS truly for you.
You can’t allow those things in if you’re still grasping for something that is already gone.

Magical Uses and Powers of Seaweed

Published on July 14, 2019  by The Alchemist, via

We never tried to hide our love for the Sea. Actually, we’ve got several articles on Sea Magic. After all, for some of us, Poseidon is a Patron God. Nevertheless, Sea is a source of  endless wisdom, healing and magical powers. However, no one has paid enough attention to the herbs and powers of the sea, leaving a great source of life & magic away from their practice. We are not amongst those. Here, we are going to talk about the seaweed, the common seaweed which found anyway, usually washed away from the depths of the seas and oceans. Old Witches called the Seaweed “Lady’s Tree”. This plain and humble seaweed possesses many magical powers powers according to the old witches. 

Before we start though, we need to make it clear that

All seaweeds are not the same!